
Women Ages 30-39

Maintaining Hormone Balance

We have found our mate, started a family, and hormonally-speaking are on automatic pilot for the next fifteen plus years. Some of us have no children, others have one or more and our hormones follow the changes set by the presence or absence of pregnancy. While busy raising the family Mother Nature wants our species to thrive and survive. This simple fact translates in a fairly constant hormone balance with rare glitches in the system. Our periods are fairly regular, we maintain our weight, we sleep well and look young and are still full of energy. Because it takes our offspring a minimum of 15 years to become self-sustaining, our hormone balance and the state of our health has to parallel this timeline. Scientifically, hormones will continue protecting us for the 15 years we need to raise the children. Emotionally and economically our society has extended the time our children need our support. But even from that standpoint eventually our children become self-sufficient. They do grow up. By the time they're off to college, starting their own search for a mate, or beginning a career, they leave behind not only an empty nest, but a hormonally drained parent, who is now 40-50 years old.

During our reproductive years, we are healthy. We stay healthy because the high levels of sex hormones we produce, protect us from illness.

Even though most young people are healthy, statistically speaking, and wellness is the rule, the system is not perfect. Identifying the imperfections in our hormone balance that occur during our youth opens the door for us to protect ourselves from aging as we get older.

Hormones do not protect us from ALL harm. Like a computer system, the human body does crash on occasion. The hormone balance gets thrown off even in the healthiest of people at the peak of their youth. When the hormone balance is off, we experience symptoms. Not every young woman will experience symptoms of hormone imbalance, but many women will at different times in their lives. Our ability to manage our own menopause, with its significant hormone deficiencies, requires an understanding of the concept that episodes of hormone imbalances occur regardless of age.

Hormone Balance And Symptoms

When our hormones are in balance, our bodies function like well oiled engines, when the balance is off, we become squeaky wheels. Minute changes in hormone levels, almost imperceptible to even the most sensitive of lab tests, create significant symptoms.

It is the suddenness of change in the levels of hormones that gives us symptoms at all stages and ages in life. Laboratory tests cannot measure these infinitesimal fluctuations. They offer little help as we desperately try to right our lives, while on the roller coaster ride of our hormones. If no diagnosable disease exists, conventional medicine cannot treat us.

Despite high tech tests and scientific breakthroughs, the best diagnostic tool in life remains "how you feel". Let's use it to identify the symptoms, and then connect them to their particular hormones. A careful examination of the symptoms of hormone imbalance as they appear throughout our lives reveals more than you think. Notice how the same symptoms you experienced at 20 and ignored, become overwhelming at 40, and then deadly at 60.

It is crucial to connect the similarity in symptoms at all ages with hormone imbalance. If we connect them, we can treat them. If we treat them effectively- meaning, with natural hormones- we prevent aging and disease. Identified by decades, symptoms of hormone imbalance become easier to understand, and quicker to treat.

Read on to find out more about Women's Hormones

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